Free course in econometrics, hybrid format (online & onsite), in the period of ERMAS 2024, with the title "An Introduction into the Microeconometric Evaluation of Public Policies".
The course is open to both PhD students and senior researchers.
The schedule (preliminary, there may be changes which will be announced in due time) is the following: Wednesday, 24th of July 2024 (the starting day of the conference), 9:30 - 12:00 EEST (the room for the onsite participation and the link for the online participation will also be announced in due time).
The instructor of the course is professor Andreea Mitrut. Other materials and details regarding the content of the course will be provided on this web page.
The course is free of charge. Below you have the registration form for the course (available until 14.07.2024).
Registration period for the course of econometrics has ended.